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Compress your files efficiently

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PowerArchiver is a powerful tool, both for business and home use, designed to let you compress, encrypt and manage your files. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you can compress your files in different formats, such as ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, and many more. With PowerArchiver, you can work with large files quickly and securely.

Automate your backups

One of PowerArchiver's strengths is its secure built-in AES-256 encryption technology for your most sensitive files. It also boasts eye-catching features such as self-extracting compressed files (SFX) and reparation of damaged ZIP files. If you want to take the hassle away, PowerArchiver has a backup system that lets you schedule and automate this process, ensuring that your important data is always protected.

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Take advantage of all its features

Other interesting features are its integrated FTP client allowing you to transfer files, a disk-burning tool and a file viewer. This last feature allows you to access the content in compressed files without extracting them. In other words, PowerArchiver is an all-in-one tool, so you don't have to use external programs when working with your files.

If you need a program to help you manage your files quickly and securely, download PowerArchiver.

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Information about PowerArchiver 2022

License Free
Op. System Mac
Category Files & Folders
Language English
Author ConeXware, Inc.
Downloads 79
Date Feb 8, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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